Friday, March 15, 2013

A Warm Spot

Clearly Ness Mardaus did not read her owners guide to her new camera because of two things.
1.) The pictures turned out AWESOME! 
2.) Some of them were shot with a different format! 

I just returned from the Sunny Phoenix  AZ were I spent a week in the lovely sun with dear friends of mine. We spent the hot days in the sun visiting some gardens in the area and the state capital. I wanted to take some pictures with my new camera that I purchased with money my uncle gave me for Christmas. 

I am a true Minnesota Girl. I love the snow, the weather, season, lakes and tress. But AZ has a warm spot in my heart. I never thought a blazing hot city, red rocks, dust and more could feel like home. As Fargo is in a weather advisory and it's snowing outside, I cant wait to for summer to get here. 

 I have many favourites and left captions on some of the pictures!
I hope you enjoy the AZ pictures and it keeps you warm!

Hairy Green in the name of the cactus.

 The famous Ness Shot